Saturday, October 27, 2018

Change Series #1- Volcano in Gouache

For my change series I plan to do different perspectives and different stages of a volcano blowing up as well as them being in different mediums. For this first one I decided to use the medium gouache. The stage that the volcano is in, is it's about to blow up and so is just smoking. 

 I sketched out how I wanted the piece. With the gouache I added blocks of color and then once it dried I added some details.  

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Positive and Negative Space Project #2

For this project I wanted it to be different from the other one. So I sketched out the scene that I wanted to do for this project and then I drew lines to make the different sections for this piece and then planned out how I was going to paint it.
During critique it was brought to my attention that the piece leads the eye everywhere, but with no clear direction. So when I came home I added a red dot/explosion to the middle so the piece will lead people's eyes towards the middle and it'll no longer be hard to see what is in the piece.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Positive and Negative Space #1

For positive and negative space I decide I wanted to paint an alien so I sketched him out and planned where the black and the white where going to be.

So for the end project I finished painting the respect sides and added details to the alien and UFO.
This project was really fun and although this one is very simple it is one of my favorites.

Line Drawing Project #4-Gesture Drawing

 For this last line drawing I wanted to do something kind of fun. So I attempted to use my cat for a model. He wasn't very good. The gesture drawing in the blue pastel paper is still based on my cat, but is mostly from imagination. The top picture is based on one of his kitten pictures, but it looks more like an adult cat. This project uses gesture drawing to sketch out my cat and his movements.

Line Drawing Project #3- Decorative and Contour Line

For this next project, I wanted to do something different from my other projects. So I choose to draw a sail boat. First I sketched out the boat and the sky. I also sketched out the decorative line and the contour the pole for the sails. The contour line was added to give the pole more shape.
Next I lined the decorative line and the contour line as well as lined the sun and clouds with my micron liners.

Then, I filled in the triangles in the decorative line to give it an added detail. I was not sure If I should of added ink wash for the water. I was hesitant to add the detail because I was afraid the decorative detail would have been lost.
This piece uses decorative line for the sail boat and contour for the flag pole.
So, later I attempted to add water detail with ink wash and though it didn't lose detail like I feared it just doesn't look right. I'm not sure what else I could have done to add the water detail. Maybe just lined and added clear wave lines.
Lastly, when I came home after critique I added a wave detail with the ink wash so the water no longer curves awkwardly. I think this really improved the piece and I'm happy with it.

Line Drawing Project #2-Stippling

For my next line project I decided to do something similar to my first project. So I once again tinted the page with coffee to make it look old and the sketched out another one of H. P. Lovecraft's mythos monsters.

Next I outlined him.

Then I made the lines thicker and made them look more like weighted lines and filled in the mouth.

Lastly, I added stippling to his tentacles and tongue for texture and shading.
This project uses weighted and stippling for line. If I were to add anything to this I would add more stippling so that it was a little more obvious.

Final Project

After we did the change series I found out that I want to play around with oil and soft pastels a little more and see what kind of effects...